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[Cancer] 두경부암: 남성이 알아야 할 사항 [Cancer] Head and Neck Cancer: What Men Should Know (두경부암: 남성이 알아야 할 사항) Introduction(서론) Head and neck cancers are a group of cancers that occur in the head and neck region, which includes the mouth, throat, nose, sinuses, and salivary glands. Men are more likely to develop head and neck cancer than women, and it is important for men to be aware of the causes, symptoms, and treatments for this .. 2023. 3. 20.
[Cancer] 식도암: 남성을 위한 조기 발견 및 치료 [Cancer] Esophageal Cancer: Early Detection and Treatment for Men (식도암: 남성을 위한 조기 발견 및 치료) Introduction(서론) Esophageal cancer is a serious disease that affects the esophagus, the muscular tube that connects the throat to the stomach. In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for esophageal cancer in men. It is important to note that early detection of esophagea.. 2023. 3. 19.
[Cancer] 대장암: 남성을 위한 예방 및 조기 발견 [Cancer] Colorectal Cancer: Prevention and Early Detection for Men (대장암: 남성을 위한 예방 및 조기 발견) Introduction(서론) Colorectal cancer is a type of cancer that affects the colon or rectum, which are parts of the large intestine. It is the third most common cancer in men and women worldwide. The good news is that colorectal cancer is highly preventable and treatable if detected early. In this article, we.. 2023. 3. 19.
[Cancer] 신장암: 남성을 위한 신장암 조기 발견 및 치료 [Cancer] Kidney Cancer: Early Detection and Treatment for Men (신장암: 남성을 위한 신장암 조기 발견 및 치료) Introduction(서론) Kidney cancer is a type of cancer that originates in the kidneys. It is a relatively rare form of cancer, accounting for around 5% of all new cancer cases in the United States. Men are more likely to develop kidney cancer than women. In this article, we will discuss the early detection and.. 2023. 3. 19.