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[Elements of Friendship] 자기 관리와 정신 건강: 친구가 필요할 때 곁에 있어주는 방법 [Elements of Friendship] Self-Care and Mental Health: How to Be There for Your Friends When They Need You (자기 관리와 정신 건강: 친구가 필요할 때 곁에 있어주는 방법) Introduction(서론) When someone we care about is struggling with their mental health, it can be difficult to know how to support them. We want to be there for them and help them through their struggles, but it can be hard to know exactly what to say or do. .. 2023. 3. 12.
[Supporting Friends] 어려운 시기의 지원: 고난 속 우정의 힘 [Supporting Friends] Support During Difficult Times: The Power of Friendship in Hardship (어려운 시기의 지원: 고난 속 우정의 힘) Introduction(서론) In life, we all face difficult times that can be overwhelming and isolating. During these times, having supportive friends can make all the difference. This blog will explore the power of friendship during difficult times and offer tips on how to be a supportive frie.. 2023. 3. 10.
[Supporting Friends] 커뮤니티 참여: 봉사를 통한 우정 강화 [Supporting Friends] Community Involvement: Strengthening Your Friendship Through Service (커뮤니티 참여: 봉사를 통한 우정 강화) Introduction(서론) In today's world, we often find ourselves caught up in our busy lives, chasing personal and professional goals. However, it is important to remember that we are social beings who thrive on social connections and relationships. One of the ways to strengthen our friend.. 2023. 3. 10.
[Supporting Friends] 가족과 우정: 두 가지 중요한 관계의 균형 맞추기 [Supporting Friends] Family and Friendship: Balancing Two Important Relationships (가족과 우정: 두 가지 중요한 관계의 균형 맞추기) It's no secret that both family and friends play a significant role in our lives. However, finding a balance between the two can sometimes be a challenge. In this blog post, we'll explore some tips and strategies for maintaining healthy relationships with both your family and friends. .. 2023. 3. 10.