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[Sleep Aids and Medications] 블루라이트와 수면에 미치는 영향: 블루라이트 관리 방법 [Sleep Aids and Medications] Blue Light and Its Effects on Sleep: How to Manage It (블루라이트와 수면에 미치는 영향: 블루라이트 관리 방법) Introduction(서론) In today's digital age, people are surrounded by screens emitting blue light from smartphones, laptops, and tablets. This type of light has been found to have a significant impact on our sleep, as it can disrupt our natural sleep-wake cycle. In this article, we wil.. 2023. 4. 26.
[Sleep Aids and Medications] 수면에서 멜라토닌의 역할과 그 효능 [Sleep Aids and Medications] The Role of Melatonin in Sleep and Its Benefits (수면에서 멜라토닌의 역할과 그 효능) If you have ever struggled to fall asleep, you may have heard of melatonin as a sleep aid. Melatonin is a hormone that plays a vital role in regulating your sleep-wake cycle. In this blog, we will discuss the function of melatonin in sleep and its benefits. (잠드는 데 어려움을 겪어본 적이 있다면 수면 보조제로 멜라토닌에 대해 들.. 2023. 4. 25.
[Health&Wellness] 전반적인 건강을 위한 수면의 중요성 [Health&Wellness] The Importance of Sleep for Overall Health (전반적인 건강을 위한 수면의 중요성) Sleep is an essential part of our daily lives and plays a crucial role in our physical, mental, and emotional health. Despite this, many people overlook the importance of a good night's sleep, leading to a variety of negative effects on their well-being. (수면은 우리의 일상생활에서 필수적인 부분이고 우리의 신체적, 정신적, 그리고 정서적 건강에 중요한 역할을 .. 2023. 2. 1.