반응형 communityhealth4 [Pediatrics and Child Health] 아동 건강 및 행복에서 가족과 지역 사회의 역할 [Pediatrics and Child Health] The role of family and community in child health and wellness (아동 건강 및 행복에서 가족과 지역 사회의 역할) Introduction(서론) In today's fast-paced and busy world, it can be easy to forget the importance of family and community in our lives. However, when it comes to child health and wellness, the role of family and community cannot be overstated. In this blog post, we'll explore the.. 2023. 2. 28. [Awareness and Advocacy] 건강의 사회적 결정 요인이 질병 결과에 미치는 영향 [Awareness and Advocacy] The impact of social determinants of health on disease outcomes (건강의 사회적 결정 요인이 질병 결과에 미치는 영향) Introduction Health outcomes are not only determined by the medical treatment that people receive. Social determinants of health (SDOH) also play a crucial role in determining the overall health outcomes of individuals and communities. SDOH are the conditions in which people ar.. 2023. 2. 23. [Lifestyle and Preventive Measures] 감염병 예방에서 백신의 역할 [Lifestyle and Preventive Measures] The role of vaccines in preventing infectious diseases (감염병 예방에서 백신의 역할) Introduction Infectious diseases have been one of the biggest threats to human health throughout history. They can spread quickly and cause serious illness, disability, and death. However, vaccines have played a critical role in preventing the spread of infectious diseases, saving countle.. 2023. 2. 19. [Infectious Diseases] 감염병의 확산과 위생의 역할 [Infectious Diseases] The spread of infectious diseases and the role of hygiene (감염병의 확산과 위생의 역할) Introduction(서론) Infectious diseases have been a part of human history for centuries. The spread of infectious diseases can be attributed to various factors such as climate change, population growth, urbanization, and globalization. However, one of the most significant factors in the spread of infec.. 2023. 2. 16. 이전 1 다음 반응형