반응형 FriendshipSupport2 [Elements of Friendship] 비판하지 않는 태도: 비판하지 않고 지지하는 친구가 되는 방법 [Elements of Friendship] Non-Judgmental Attitude: How to Be a Supportive Friend Without Criticizing (비판하지 않는 태도: 비판하지 않고 지지하는 친구가 되는 방법) Friendship is an essential part of our lives. Having a support system in the form of friends is crucial to our mental and emotional well-being. However, being a supportive friend is not always easy, especially when our friends are going through a tough time. It.. 2023. 3. 12. [Elements of Friendship] 개인적 성장과 우정: 서로의 여정을 응원하기 [Elements of Friendship] Personal Growth and Friendship: Supporting Each Other's Journeys (개인적 성장과 우정: 서로의 여정을 응원하기) Introduction(서론) Personal growth and friendship are two aspects of life that are closely intertwined. Our friends are often a crucial source of support, encouragement, and inspiration as we strive to become our best selves. At the same time, our personal growth can be a powerful f.. 2023. 3. 12. 이전 1 다음 반응형