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[Minerals] 크롬과 혈당 조절과의 관계

by 피리부는진 2023. 5. 12.

[Minerals] Chromium and its Connection to Blood Sugar Control

크롬과 혈당 조절과의 관계



Chromium is a mineral that is essential to human health, playing a crucial role in the metabolism of macronutrients like carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. However, one of the most intriguing aspects of this mineral is its potential to help regulate blood sugar levels.

크롬은 탄수화물, 지방, 단백질과 같은 다량 영양소의 대사에 중요한 역할을 하는 인체 건강에 필수적인 미네랄입니다. 그러나 이 미네랄의 가장 흥미로운 측면 중 하나는 혈당 수치를 조절하는 데 도움이 될 수 있다는 점입니다.


Studies have shown that chromium can improve glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, both of which are key factors in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. In this blog post, we'll explore the relationship between chromium and blood sugar control and discuss how you can incorporate this mineral into your diet.

연구에 따르면 크롬은 건강한 혈당 수치를 유지하는 데 중요한 요소인 내당능과 인슐린 민감성을 개선할 수 있는 것으로 나타났습니다. 이 블로그 게시물에서는 크롬과 혈당 조절의 관계를 살펴보고 이 미네랄을 식단에 포함시킬 수 있는 방법에 대해 논의합니다.


What is Chromium?, 크롬이란 무엇인가요?

Chromium is a trace mineral that is found in small amounts in the body. It is involved in many processes, including the metabolism of macronutrients and the regulation of insulin. The amount of chromium in the body can vary depending on a person's diet and lifestyle, with some studies suggesting that athletes and people who exercise regularly may have higher levels of chromium than sedentary individuals.

크롬은 체내에서 소량으로 발견되는 미량 미네랄입니다. 크롬은 다량 영양소의 대사와 인슐린 조절을 포함한 많은 과정에 관여합니다. 체내 크롬의 양은 개인의 식단과 생활 방식에 따라 달라질 수 있으며, 일부 연구에 따르면 운동선수와 규칙적으로 운동하는 사람은 앉아서 생활하는 사람보다 크롬 수치가 더 높을 수 있다고 합니다.


How Does Chromium Help Regulate Blood Sugar Levels?, 크롬은 혈당 수치 조절에 어떻게 도움이 되나요?

One of the key roles of chromium is in the metabolism of glucose, the primary source of energy for the body's cells. Chromium enhances the action of insulin, a hormone that helps transport glucose from the bloodstream into cells. This means that when chromium levels are adequate, insulin is more effective at controlling blood sugar levels.

크롬의 주요 역할 중 하나는 신체 세포의 주요 에너지원인 포도당의 대사에 관여하는 것입니다. 크롬은 혈류에서 세포로 포도당을 운반하는 데 도움이 되는 호르몬인 인슐린의 작용을 강화합니다. 즉, 크롬 수치가 적절하면 인슐린이 혈당 수치를 조절하는 데 더 효과적이라는 뜻입니다.


Studies have shown that supplementation with chromium can improve glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in individuals with type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance. In addition, some research suggests that chromium may help reduce fasting blood glucose levels in people with poorly controlled diabetes.

연구에 따르면 크롬을 보충하면 제2형 당뇨병과 인슐린 저항성이 있는 사람의 내당능과 인슐린 민감성을 개선할 수 있다고 합니다. 또한 일부 연구에 따르면 크롬은 당뇨병이 잘 조절되지 않는 사람의 공복 혈당 수치를 낮추는 데 도움이 될 수 있다고 합니다.


How Can You Incorporate Chromium into Your Diet?, 식단에 크롬을 어떻게 포함시킬 수 있나요?

While chromium supplements are available, it is usually best to get your nutrients from food sources whenever possible. Some good sources of chromium include:

크롬 보충제를 구입할 수 있지만, 가능한 한 음식에서 영양소를 섭취하는 것이 가장 좋습니다. 크롬의 좋은 공급원은 다음과 같습니다:

  • Broccoli 브로콜리
  • Barley 보리
  • Oats 귀리
  • Green beans 녹두
  • Tomatoes 토마토
  • Romaine lettuce 로메인 상추
  • Garlic 마늘
  • Basil 바질
  • Brewer's yeast 맥주 효모
  • Beef 소고기
  • Chicken 닭고기
  • Eggs 달걀


While the exact amount of chromium you need will depend on your age, sex, and other factors, the recommended daily intake for most adults is between 20 and 35 micrograms per day. It's important to note that taking high doses of chromium supplements can be harmful, so it's best to get your chromium from food sources or speak with a healthcare provider before taking a supplement.

필요한 크롬의 정확한 양은 나이, 성별 및 기타 요인에 따라 다르지만, 대부분의 성인에게 권장되는 일일 섭취량은 하루 20~35 마이크로그램입니다. 고용량의 크롬 보충제를 복용하면 해로울 수 있으므로 식품을 통해 크롬을 섭취하거나 보충제를 복용하기 전에 의료 전문가와 상담하는 것이 가장 좋습니다.


Conclusion, 결론

Chromium is a mineral that is essential to human health, playing a crucial role in the metabolism of macronutrients like carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. However, its potential to help regulate blood sugar levels is one of its most intriguing qualities. By incorporating chromium-rich foods into your diet, you may be able to support healthy blood sugar levels and overall health.

크롬은 탄수화물, 지방, 단백질과 같은 다량 영양소의 대사에 중요한 역할을 하는 인체 건강에 필수적인 미네랄입니다. 하지만 혈당 수치를 조절하는 데 도움이 되는 크롬의 잠재력은 가장 흥미로운 특성 중 하나입니다. 크롬이 풍부한 식품을 식단에 포함하면 건강한 혈당 수치와 전반적인 건강에 도움이 될 수 있습니다.


