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[Flour and Cultural Perspectives] 밀가루와 식품 기술: 1950년부터 2022년까지의 혁신

by 피리부는진 2023. 6. 16.

[Flour and Cultural Perspectives] Flour and Food Technology: Innovations from 1950 to 2022

밀가루와 식품 기술: 1950년부터 2022년까지의 혁신



Introduction, 소개

Flour, a fundamental ingredient in countless recipes and food products, has undergone significant transformations over the past decades due to advancements in food technology. From the post-World War II era to the present day, innovations in processing, milling techniques, and ingredient development have revolutionized the flour industry. In this blog, we will explore key innovations in flour and food technology from 1950 to 2022, highlighting their impact on product quality, convenience, and nutritional value.

수많은 레시피와 식품의 기본 재료인 밀가루는 지난 수십 년 동안 식품 기술의 발전으로 인해 큰 변화를 겪어왔습니다. 제2차 세계대전 이후부터 현재까지 가공, 제분 기술 및 원료 개발의 혁신은 밀가루 산업에 혁명을 일으켰습니다. 이 블로그에서는 1950년부터 2022년까지 밀가루 및 식품 기술의 주요 혁신을 살펴보고 제품 품질, 편의성 및 영양 가치에 미친 영향을 강조합니다.


1. Introduction of High-Speed Steel Roller Mills, 1. 고속 제분 롤러 밀의 도입

One of the most significant advancements in flour technology occurred in the 1950s with the introduction of high-speed steel roller mills. These mills replaced traditional stone grinding methods, enabling faster and more efficient processing of grains. High-speed steel roller mills produced finely milled flour with improved consistency and reduced nutrient loss during milling.

밀가루 기술에서 가장 중요한 발전 중 하나는 1950년대에 고속 강철 롤러 밀이 도입되면서 일어났습니다. 이 제분기는 전통적인 석재 제분 방식을 대체하여 곡물을 더 빠르고 효율적으로 가공할 수 있게 되었습니다. 고속 강철 롤러 제분기는 밀가루의 일관성을 개선하고 제분 중 영양 손실을 줄이면서 미세하게 분쇄된 밀가루를 생산했습니다.


2. Development of Enzyme Technology for Baking, 2. 제빵용 효소 기술 개발

In the 1960s, enzyme technology revolutionized the baking industry. Enzymes such as amylases, proteases, and lipases were introduced to enhance dough handling, improve texture, and extend the shelf life of baked goods. These enzymes allowed bakers to achieve better control over the fermentation and baking processes, resulting in high-quality and consistent products.

1960년대에 효소 기술은 제빵 산업에 혁명을 일으켰습니다. 아밀라아제, 프로테아제, 리파아제와 같은 효소가 도입되어 반죽 취급을 개선하고 식감을 향상하며 제빵 제품의 유통기한을 연장했습니다. 이러한 효소를 통해 제빵사는 발효 및 베이킹 공정을 더 잘 제어할 수 있게 되어 고품질의 일관된 제품을 생산할 수 있었습니다.


3. Fortification with Micronutrients, 3. 미량 영양소 강화

Starting in the mid-20th century, flour fortification programs were implemented in many countries to address nutrient deficiencies in the population. Essential vitamins and minerals, such as iron, folic acid, and niacin, were added to flour to improve public health. Fortification programs have been successful in reducing the incidence of nutritional deficiencies and improving overall health outcomes.

20세기 중반부터 많은 국가에서 인구의 영양 결핍 문제를 해결하기 위해 밀가루 강화 프로그램이 시행되었습니다. 철분, 엽산, 니아신과 같은 필수 비타민과 미네랄을 밀가루에 첨가하여 공중 보건을 개선했습니다. 강화 프로그램은 영양 결핍의 발생률을 낮추고 전반적인 건강 결과를 개선하는 데 성공했습니다.


4. Introduction of Instantized and Precooked Flours, 4. 인스턴트 및 미리 조리된 밀가루의 도입

In the 1970s, instantized and precooked flours gained popularity due to their convenience and time-saving qualities. Instantized flours, produced through a process of pre-gelatinization, dissolve easily in liquids, making them ideal for instant mixes and convenience foods. Precooked flours, obtained by partially cooking grains before milling, required less cooking time and allowed for the production of quick-cooking products.

1970년대에 인스턴트 및 사전 조리된 밀가루는 편리함과 시간 절약 특성으로 인해 인기를 얻었습니다. 사전 젤라틴화 과정을 거쳐 생산되는 인스턴트 밀가루는 액체에 쉽게 녹아 인스턴트 믹스 및 간편식에 이상적입니다. 제분하기 전에 곡물을 부분적으로 조리하여 얻은 프리쿡드 밀가루는 조리 시간이 짧고 빠른 조리 제품을 생산할 수 있습니다.


5. Innovations in Gluten-Free Flour Production, 5. 글루텐 프리 밀가루 생산의 혁신

The rise of gluten-free diets in recent years has led to significant innovations in gluten-free flour production. Alternative grains, such as rice, corn, and quinoa, have been milled and processed to create gluten-free flours suitable for individuals with celiac disease or gluten sensitivities. Improvements in milling techniques and ingredient blends have resulted in gluten-free flours that closely mimic the texture and functionality of traditional wheat flour.

최근 몇 년 동안 글루텐 프리 식단이 증가하면서 글루텐 프리 밀가루 생산에 상당한 혁신이 이루어졌습니다. 쌀, 옥수수, 퀴노아 등의 대체 곡물을 제분하고 가공하여 셀리악병이나 글루텐 민감성이 있는 사람에게 적합한 글루텐 프리 밀가루를 만들 수 있게 되었습니다. 제분 기술과 재료 배합의 개선으로 전통적인 밀가루의 식감과 기능성을 거의 모방한 글루텐 프리 밀가루가 탄생했습니다.


6. Advancements in Whole Grain Flour Processing, 6. 통곡물 밀가루 가공의 발전

As the health benefits of whole grains became more widely recognized, advancements in whole grain flour processing were made to preserve the nutritional integrity of the grains. Technologies such as debranning, which removes the outer bran layer without compromising the germ, and gentle milling methods have allowed for the production of whole grain flours with enhanced nutritional profiles and improved baking properties.

통곡물의 건강상의 이점이 널리 알려지면서 통곡물의 영양을 그대로 보존하기 위해 통곡물 밀가루 가공이 발전했습니다. 곡물의 배아를 손상시키지 않고 외부 밀기울 층을 제거하는 디브랜딩과 부드러운 제분 방법과 같은 기술을 통해 영양 프로필이 향상되고 제빵 특성이 개선된 통곡물 가루를 생산할 수 있게 되었습니다.


7. Introduction of Non-GMO and Organic Flours, 7. 비유전자 변형 및 유기농 밀가루의 도입

With increasing consumer demand for non-genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and organic products, the flour industry responded by developing non-GMO and organic flours. These flours are sourced from grains that are grown without synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or genetically modified techniques. The availability of non-GMO and organic flours provides consumers with more choices to align with their preferences for sustainable and natural food options.

유전자변형생물체(GMO) 및 유기농 제품에 대한 소비자 수요가 증가함에 따라 밀가루 업계는 Non-GMO 및 유기농 밀가루를 개발하여 이에 대응했습니다. 이러한 밀가루는 합성 살충제, 제초제 또는 유전자 변형 기술을 사용하지 않고 재배한 곡물에서 공급됩니다. 유전자 변형이 없는 밀가루와 유기농 밀가루의 출시로 소비자들은 지속 가능한 자연식품을 선호하는 기호에 맞춰 더 많은 선택권을 갖게 되었습니다.


8. Application of Nanotechnology in Flour Production, 8. 밀가루 생산에 나노기술 적용

Nanotechnology has found applications in the food industry, including flour production. Nanostructured ingredients, such as nano-sized enzymes or encapsulated nutrients, are used to enhance the functionality and nutritional value of flours. These advancements allow for improved dough handling, better texture, and controlled nutrient release in baked goods.

나노 기술은 밀가루 생산을 포함한 식품 산업에서 응용 분야를 찾았습니다. 나노 크기의 효소나 캡슐화된 영양소와 같은 나노 구조 성분은 밀가루의 기능성과 영양가를 향상하는 데 사용됩니다. 이러한 발전으로 제빵 제품의 반죽 처리, 식감 개선, 영양소 방출 제어가 가능해졌습니다.


9. Development of Gluten-Enhancing Additives, 9. 글루텐 강화 첨가제 개발

For individuals who prefer the texture and elasticity of gluten-containing flours but want to reduce gluten content, the development of gluten-enhancing additives has been a game-changer. Additives such as hydrocolloids and enzymes are used to mimic the properties of gluten, providing structure and texture in gluten-reduced or gluten-free flours.

글루텐 함유 밀가루의 식감과 탄력을 선호하지만 글루텐 함량을 줄이고자 하는 사람들에게 글루텐 강화 첨가제의 개발은 판도를 바꾸어 놓았습니다. 하이드로콜로이드 및 효소와 같은 첨가제는 글루텐의 특성을 모방하여 글루텐 감소 또는 글루텐 프리 밀가루에 구조와 질감을 제공하는 데 사용됩니다.


10. Automation and Robotics in Flour Production Facilities, 10. 밀가루 생산 시설의 자동화 및 로봇 공학

In recent years, automation and robotics have been integrated into flour production facilities to streamline processes and ensure consistent quality. Automated systems monitor and control milling, blending, and packaging operations, reducing human error and increasing efficiency. Robotics are employed for tasks such as loading and unloading, optimizing production flow, and improving workplace safety.

최근 몇 년 동안 자동화 및 로봇 공학이 밀가루 생산 시설에 통합되어 공정을 간소화하고 일관된 품질을 보장합니다. 자동화 시스템은 제분, 혼합 및 포장 작업을 모니터링하고 제어하여 인적 오류를 줄이고 효율성을 높입니다. 로보틱스는 적재 및 하역, 생산 흐름 최적화, 작업장 안전 개선과 같은 작업에 사용됩니다.


Conclusion, 결론

The evolution of flour and food technology from 1950 to 2022 has transformed the flour industry, resulting in improved product quality, convenience, and nutritional value. From the introduction of high-speed steel roller mills to advancements in gluten-free flour production and the application of nanotechnology, these innovations have shaped the way flour is processed, utilized, and consumed. As technology continues to progress, we can expect further advancements in the future, catering to evolving consumer preferences and addressing global challenges in food production.

1950년부터 2022년까지 밀가루 및 식품 기술의 발전은 밀가루 산업을 변화시켜 제품의 품질, 편의성 및 영양가를 향상했습니다. 고속 강철 롤러 밀의 도입부터 글루텐 프리 밀가루 생산의 발전과 나노 기술의 적용에 이르기까지, 이러한 혁신은 밀가루의 가공, 활용 및 소비 방식을 변화시켰습니다. 기술이 계속 발전함에 따라 앞으로도 소비자 선호도의 변화에 부응하고 식품 생산의 글로벌 과제를 해결하면서 더 많은 발전을 기대할 수 있습니다.

